Estate Given by
Ine to Aldhelm
Before becoming the Bishop of Sherborne, Aldhelm served as the abbot of Malmesbury Abbey and was possibly a distant relative of King Ine of Wessex. Renowned for his significant contributions to monastic life, Aldhelm’s influence extended well beyond his own lifetime through his important writings. His presence and counsel were highly valued at King Ine’s court, as evidenced by the charters that show Ine’s deep reverence for him. Around 676, Aldhelm dedicated Malmesbury Abbey as a Benedictine Abbey, cementing its religious and cultural importance. His leadership and scholarship left an enduring legacy on the ecclesiastical landscape of Wessex.
Estate Given by Ine to Aldhelm
Further Research & Sources
Bede. Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Trans. and ed. by Judith McClure and Roger Collins. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 208.
Malmesbury, William. The Deeds of the Bishops of England (Gesta Pontificum Anglorum). Translated by David Preest. Rochester, NY: Boydell Press. 2002.