Beornred of Mercia


Beornred of Mercia is a relatively obscure figure who briefly ascended to the throne of Mercia following the assassination of King Æthelbald in 757. His reign, though short-lived, marked a turbulent period in Mercian history.

Æthelbald, who ruled Mercia for forty-one years, was treacherously assassinated by his bodyguard at Seckington, and subsequently buried at Repton. The motivations behind this regicide remain unclear, some suggest Beornred himself was involved, but it plunged the kingdom into immediate chaos. In the wake of Æthelbald’s death, Beornred seized the opportunity to claim the throne. Little is known about Beornred’s background or his exact relationship to the Mercian royal line, but his swift rise to power suggests he had some degree of influence or support within the kingdom and was possibly a thane.

Beornred’s rule, however, was challenged almost immediately. Within the same year, Offa, a distant cousin of Æthelbald and a nobleman in his court, contested Beornred’s claim to the throne. Offa, who had been biding his time and gathering support, launched a campaign against Beornred. The conflict was fierce and bloody, as Offa sought to consolidate his power and assert his dominance over Mercia.

By the end of 757, Offa had successfully driven Beornred out of Mercia and into exile. According to historical records, Offa “attempted to conquer the Mercian kingdom with sword and bloodshed,” indicating the violent nature of the struggle. Beornred’s unhappy tenure as king was thus brought to an abrupt end, and he disappears from the historical record after his exile.

Further Research & Sources

Adams, Max. The Viking Wars: War and Peace in King Alfred’s Britain, 789-955. New York, NY: Pegasus Books Ltd. 2019.

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Trans. by Michael Swanton. New York: Routledge, 1996.

Bede. Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Translated and edited by Judith McClure and Roger Collins. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 2008.

Deansley, Maragret. The Pre-Conquest Church in England. London, UK: Adam and Charles
Black, 1963.

Malmesbury, William. Chronicles of the Kings of England: From the Earliest Period to the Reign of King Stephen. Tranlated by J.A. Giles. London, UK: Bohn’s Antiquarian Library. 1847.

Morris, Marc. The Anglo-Saxons: A History of the Beginnings of England, 400-1066. New York, NY: Pegasus Books, Ltd. 2021.

Philpotts, John. “Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms: Mercia.” Coin Collector, September/October 2023.

Stenton, Frank. Anglo-Saxon England. Third Edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 2001.

This page was last updated on July 8, 2024.